Thursday, 25 July 2013

5wpr CEO on corporate counsel

5WPR, the reputed PR Company of New York, has grown rapidly under the expert supervision of its founder Ronn Torossian, since its establishment in 2003.

Here are some useful tips offered by the company’s CEO Ronn Torossian, regarding major corporate secrets.

Recognize your niche: Startup businessmen are generally afraid of not getting enough public exposure, so they try to widen their network. But the key to success comes from finding your niche market. So make sure that your aim is directed towards a specific market.

Speak to your customer directly: Craft such PR messages, which communicate straight with your distinct audience.

Hit the emotional spot: Instead of focusing on benefits and features of the product, try to hit the soft emotional spot that would bypass people’s logical reasoning. Give them a reason to try your product. If there is a ‘no or why’ associated; the public’s answer would be a straight ‘No’. The reason being, there are already endless competitors in the market.

Friday, 12 July 2013

Facebook activities must be taken seriously: Ronn Torossian

Ronn Torossian, the distinguished American public relations expert and founder of 5WPR, has recently suggested few reasons that exhibit the importance of taking Facebook usage seriously. Here are some of those reasons:
  • Facebook has given an ultimate solution to marketing needs: Facebook has provided the fully-functional and effective alternative for what marketers or public relation firms were looking for, since long. This social platform is works as a user-friendly PR machine that has eliminated the gap between marketing and socializing. 
  • Facebook is an international platform: If your business stretches across the international boundaries, then by efficiently using Facebook, you could do wonders, as it is one of the most prominently used social platform worldwide.
  • Facebook is on regular usage: Facebook is on the top of the sites that have highest average time spend on the website by users. If you promote your business wisely, there are high chances that you will get appropriate results for your efforts.
For more information visit here

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Ronn Torossian highlights the 2 common social media mistakes!

Across the world businesses are scrambling to find out way that will clearly explain how to make best use of social media to build a favorable image among their targeted audiences, thus to promote and propagate their brand.

Ronn Torossian 2 common social media marketing mistake that business owners must avoid:

Random posting: The most common mistake make by companies during social media marketing attempts is random posting schedule. People also expect to hear from you on social media channels in the similar way as they like reading your blogs posted. If you suddenly stop posting blogs, lots of questions come to their minds. On the other hand, if your posts are irrelevant, you will get pushed down. Therefore, relevant, regular, and current posts are necessary for the successful social media marketing campaign. This task can easily be accomplished by creating a plan and by sticking on it.

Sharing post content from a trusted source: PR expert, Ronn reveals that everyone shares information. That content may or may not be true or accurate. Even if the information you are going to share something that is coming from a trusted source, don’t forget to check it for accuracy. Always remember, you are representing your firm via those posts, so it is necessary to confirm that your information genuine.

See more information at here