Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Ronn Torossian suggests integration of SEO and PR!

Ronn Torossian is a well-known name in United States of America. He has founded 5WPR a public relation firm that helps brands and companies in getting position that they deserve in the market.

Mr. Torossian is well familiar with different issues associated with public relations and provides valuable tips and advices to his employees so that they can handle their client’s issues in the best possible way.

Mr. Torossian has thrown light on integrating search engine optimization with public relations. Having understanding of what customers are searching for is not at all a bad idea. Using words and phrases in your content that online users use for searching any information will surely help you in raising your brand reputation, and you will also get customers for your business.

Ronn Torossian has also discussed significance of getting back links from reputed websites in comparison to the links from ordinary websites.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Ronn Torossian - Throws light on signs that indicate success of a social media campaign

According to Ronn Torossian, CEO of 5WPR, measuring success of a social media campaign is the toughest task to do. Mr. Torossian has highlighted certain signs that will let you know whether your campaign is working or not.

1. Growth in number of followers

The businesses must check number of their followers on social networking sites. If the number is on the rise with each passing day, then it means online users are using social media and search about products and services offered by your business.

2. Increased feedback

Getting comments and messages on social media indicates that people like your posts and will convey your message to larger audiences in a short period of period, helps your business in getting exposure.

3. Increased hits

The main purpose of social media tools is to drive quality traffic for websites. An increase in the number of hits on your website shows that people like to avail services offered by your business.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Ronn Torossian suggests tips for writing headlines

Ronn Torossian CEO of 5WPR is working continuously to assist numerous brands and companies in achieving their business goals.

Mr. Torossian has suggested certain tips for writing effectives headlines. A headline is the first thing that attracts readers. By reading headline only, the readers decide whether it is valuable to read content or not.

According to Mr. Torossian, the headline must offer something. In simple words, it is necessary to write a headline that is clear and easy to understand in order to make a solid impact on the readers.

Secondly, the headline should indicate something. By looking at a headline, the reader should come to know what you are trying to say. Let your readers know about what you are offering them.

Thirdly, keywords matter a lot in the keywords. Make sure that headline you have written should have ability to capture right audience.

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Ronn Torossian suggests to differentiate fans from customers

Most of the businesses do not really care about whether they have more fans or more customers. As long as they are getting promising sales and returns, it is not something they would really want to bother about. However, this approach may be dangerous in terms of public relations.

This is what Ronn Torossian the CEO of 5WPR emphasizes on. He strongly recommends understanding the core difference between these two. Most of the businesses are most likely to have more customers as compared to number of fans. Although both are essential for businesses, but knowing the difference is crucial.

Customers are those people who are simply buying your product for xyz reason. Fans on the other hand are those dedicated people who could not care less about any other brand in the same category of product. They are loyal to the brand, and are not willing to switch to any other one, even if they are paying a little extra for the same. Therefore, converting customers into fans is what businesses should be concerned about.  

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Ronn Torossian explains why competitive pricing doesn’t always matter

When someone enters a business or when an already established business expands into a particular market, the general idea is playing safe would be the best.

This is the reason why businesses end up pricing their product or service competitively. This idea may be good sometimes, but it is not always healthy to cut down your prices.

Ronn Torossian explains why this pricing arrangement is not always good. First of all, he says that there are competitors in the market who can always undercut you at any points. He also says that price is not always just about the price in monetary terms, it is more about the perceived value.

Before launching a product or service in the marketplace, one should assess the perceived value among the target audience. This is where PR plays its role.

PR works to improve the perceived value of the product. If somehow your PR campaign manages to do so, it is likely that your business will grow, even if you haven’t decreased the prices. To know about Ronn Torossian book published at Amazon.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Ronn Torossian says headlines are often the only thing that people read!

Laying emphasis on the importance of headlines, Ronn Torossian the CEO of one America’s leading PR firms, 5wpr stressed on three essential factors that can help you get more readers for your content.

The first thing Ronn points out is that the headlines have to offer something to the reader. The headline is like a promise bearer to the reader that provides him with an idea of what’s in store in the rest of the content. This is the most effective way of generating interest in the reader’s mind and the most significant factor that helps the reader decide whether he wants to invest his time in the article or not.

Secondly, the headline has to convey a substantial message to the reader at the first glance about the nature of the following content.

Finally, keyword is the greatest available tool to target a specific audience. For this, you must firstly understand who your target audience is and use the keywords in the title in a smart and effective manner accordingly.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Ronn Torossian suggests keeping the most relevant content at the top of webpages

All the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc, emphasizes a lot on the content and try to put fresh content at the beginning of their website.

This is because of the idea that content that is at the bottom is usually more dated and has lesser relevancy in terms of search. Although it is not a strict rule, but this idea makes more sense while designing the layout of a web page.

This is exactly what the PR genius Ronn Torossian has been saying. He says that keeping the maximum of your content above the fold works best.

Studies have revealed that a user while visiting any website tends to click away within eight seconds if he has not come across the information that he was looking for.

That is the reason, at the time of organizing a website, always keep the most relevant and important content at the top and you will definitely enjoy good results. Follow us on Linkedin:

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Ronn Torossian - Follow the ‘platform’ rules to keep your fans connected

Platform’ has become the latest buzzword these days! Especially when we talk about a platform like social media, there are certain things to be kept in mind. Ronn Torossian, the public relation professional suggests that social media is one of the best platforms to improve your brand’s online bandwidth.

But he also says that it is not just sufficient to build your online presence and then forget about it. You have to keep coming up with interactive ideas to keep your followers and fans engaged with your brand.

Make sure that you follow the ‘rules’. These rules can be thought of as ‘expectations’. Every user has certain expectations of different platforms like interfaces and devices. So make sure that you do not just pick up and post same old and stale content on every interface. A blog post that worked excellent over web, may fail to be interactive on mobile devices. You must come up with interesting videos, images, etc. for right exposure.

Try to understand a person’s prospective. Try to assess why someone would be using this technology and what would someone use it for. Accordingly, craft a content that is tailor-made to those users.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

A few tips for rebranding by Ronn Torossian

Ronn Torrosian CEO of 5wpr keeps on sharing useful stuff for the PR professionals and business owners. Recently he shared few tips for re-branding. Have a look:

1. Physical factor

Changing the way in which a product is presented in the market can be a big gain or loss.  Presentation plays a significant role in making your product popular in the market.

2. Emotional factor  

If you are making any changes in the way you have presented your brand, be careful while asking customers to accept those changes. There is a possibility that customers may appreciate the changes you have made or they may not accept those changes.

3. Psychological factor

If people are not able to understand why the changes have been made, then surely they will reach to a conclusion thinking you as selfish and dismissive. So, it would be a better idea to make people understand why the changes are necessary and how they will benefit from those changes?

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Don’t let the critics bring you down, says Ronn Torossian the CEO of 5WPR a Public Relations firm!

When it comes to building brand identity, patience is the key, says Ronn Torossian the Chief Operative Officer of 5WPR, the Public relations firm that has given a much needed boost to business people and many companies as well.

It is possible that a mistake from your past, might come back to haunt you, and eventually blow your reputation and business into smithereens. But this can be just a temporary phase, as long as you know how to tackle the situation.

If you hide from the situation, it will only make it worse. So instead face the public and do as much damage control as possible. For this, you will need to have a clear view of what you should say and what you should not.

A good PR firm understands how the market works, and how certain actions will transpire; but more importantly, how it can get you back in the game without compromising too much.

Monday, 26 August 2013

5WPR CEO Ronn Torossian talks about combating negative publicity

PR crisis is no new concept! Every organization, brand, company or individual should be well prepared to tackle every type of negative publicity. There may be instances where a wrong decision that was taken in the past, may suddenly come up and affect the brand or the individual negatively.

Ronn Torossian the CEO of 5WPR, which is a leading Public Relations Company, says that you need to protect yourself and tackle a PR crisis.

Mr. Torossian also suggests that you need to have a well thought out plan. Try to make a sincere assessment of anything that could possibly be used against you or the brand, weight every aspect! There might be some decisions or issues or some regretful steps from the past, which you may not have taken seriously at the time, but now it can bring a negative reputation about you, your company or brand to the public.

Ask yourself, who and what can be used against you? It may be some disappointed ex-employee, some enemy or competitor. Draw a plan to deal with all kinds of accusations, mistakes and slip-ups!

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Ronn Torossian talks about goals of PR professionals

Alike any other profession, like that of a doctor or lawyer calls for personal commitment with a combination of moral and work ethics, same is the thing with profession of public relation management.

Popular PR expert Ronn Torossian gives advices to PR experts on how to combine rules of profession and love for their work.

He says regardless of what area of PR you are a part of; it is never enough to merely be a player. It is not just about fulfilling whatever assignments are put on your desk and meeting its deadlines of completion. A simple participation is not enough; you have to shape the discussion.

A PR professional needs to know its clients’ needs, and accordingly outline the discussion with the public. Make sure to get out-front, leave the mark of brand name in newer and unexplored markets and be the eyes and ears of what you are representing.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Ronn Torossian - Think out of the box while creating a web material that could go viral!

‘Viral’ is one word that is dominating the web conversations these days, and this is what everyone is chasing to get attention, no matter if it is good or bad. Going viral is when your material, be it a blog, article, video, sound clip, pictures, etc. get posted through various corners of internet again and again.

The PR genius Ronn Torossian says that some years ago, a YouTube video getting a million hits was considered to be viral, but now the stakes are higher and it takes much more efforts and intellect to make your material spread out at a fast speed through web corners.

He further says it is not just a matter of luck but requires vision, an ability to understand viewer’s nerve, knowing what they want and a will to apply skills.

Ronn suggests that a rightly drawn plan with unique approach while making maximum use of every possible platform can make something popular from an independent source. It does not have to be associated with a multination corporation or Hollywood, but with determination and intellect, any material can be made to go viral.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

5wpr CEO on corporate counsel

5WPR, the reputed PR Company of New York, has grown rapidly under the expert supervision of its founder Ronn Torossian, since its establishment in 2003.

Here are some useful tips offered by the company’s CEO Ronn Torossian, regarding major corporate secrets.

Recognize your niche: Startup businessmen are generally afraid of not getting enough public exposure, so they try to widen their network. But the key to success comes from finding your niche market. So make sure that your aim is directed towards a specific market.

Speak to your customer directly: Craft such PR messages, which communicate straight with your distinct audience.

Hit the emotional spot: Instead of focusing on benefits and features of the product, try to hit the soft emotional spot that would bypass people’s logical reasoning. Give them a reason to try your product. If there is a ‘no or why’ associated; the public’s answer would be a straight ‘No’. The reason being, there are already endless competitors in the market.

Friday, 12 July 2013

Facebook activities must be taken seriously: Ronn Torossian

Ronn Torossian, the distinguished American public relations expert and founder of 5WPR, has recently suggested few reasons that exhibit the importance of taking Facebook usage seriously. Here are some of those reasons:
  • Facebook has given an ultimate solution to marketing needs: Facebook has provided the fully-functional and effective alternative for what marketers or public relation firms were looking for, since long. This social platform is works as a user-friendly PR machine that has eliminated the gap between marketing and socializing. 
  • Facebook is an international platform: If your business stretches across the international boundaries, then by efficiently using Facebook, you could do wonders, as it is one of the most prominently used social platform worldwide.
  • Facebook is on regular usage: Facebook is on the top of the sites that have highest average time spend on the website by users. If you promote your business wisely, there are high chances that you will get appropriate results for your efforts.
For more information visit here

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Ronn Torossian highlights the 2 common social media mistakes!

Across the world businesses are scrambling to find out way that will clearly explain how to make best use of social media to build a favorable image among their targeted audiences, thus to promote and propagate their brand.

Ronn Torossian 2 common social media marketing mistake that business owners must avoid:

Random posting: The most common mistake make by companies during social media marketing attempts is random posting schedule. People also expect to hear from you on social media channels in the similar way as they like reading your blogs posted. If you suddenly stop posting blogs, lots of questions come to their minds. On the other hand, if your posts are irrelevant, you will get pushed down. Therefore, relevant, regular, and current posts are necessary for the successful social media marketing campaign. This task can easily be accomplished by creating a plan and by sticking on it.

Sharing post content from a trusted source: PR expert, Ronn reveals that everyone shares information. That content may or may not be true or accurate. Even if the information you are going to share something that is coming from a trusted source, don’t forget to check it for accuracy. Always remember, you are representing your firm via those posts, so it is necessary to confirm that your information genuine.

See more information at here

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Ronn Torossian - The man blessed with effective PR skills

Ronn Torossian has successfully captured attention as a well-reputed PR professional. The founder, CEO, and president of the most preeminent public relations firms in the United States, Mr. Torossian has foreseen the success of 5wpr from a single room sized office to today’s two floor prestigious office building.

Ronn Torossian shares, “If done right, PR is most cost-efficient way to sell your product.” His effective PR services have helped many firms to get right publicity and attention in the areas of fashion and beauty, food & beverages, reputation management, public affairs, crisis communication, and others.

Apart from his effective PR services, Ronn is an active member of various charity organizations. He donates to Zionist Organization of America, Russian American Jewish Experience, AISH, New York Center for Autism and others. Click here for more information.

Monday, 10 June 2013

Ronn Torossian - Man whose energy cannot be limited!

Be it business or be it anything else for that matter; everyone wants to put their step ahead from the competitors. This is where PR professionals come into picture that can create positive image of the business and its products amongst the audiences.

One such name that can efficiently do this is Ronn Torossian the Chief Executive Officer and founder of renowned public relations firm 5WPR.

Born and bred in Brooklyn, New York, Ronn Torossian is one of the noticeable names in the PR world today. This is due to the fact that he's been always following unique and effective PR strategies for his clients.

Aside being an entrepreneur Ronn is also a writer. He has written a book on public relations called For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands and Deliver Results with Game. This book has been admired a lot by people, and consequently been the best sold book.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Ronn Torossian is the leading light of the PR industry

Ronn Torossian is one of those people who have made a mark in the industry that is beyond comparison, being one of the most sought after PR agents in the country; he has helped many clients achieve stable media relations.

His company 5WPR is a companion for people in need of media management and using his efficient PR strategies, he has helped many of his clients gain the best possible results.

Mr. Torossian was always a go-getter, and when he started his career as a PR agent back in the year 1998, he took each obstacle and turned it into an opportunity.

Mr. Torossian is famed for being such a PR leader, who has changed the way things were done in the past and made them work to the best possible interests of his clients. Read more

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Here’s a look at the life of Ronn Torossian!

Born in Brooklyn, New York Ronn Torossian is a popular American PR executive who is known for helping his clients with his unique and effective PR strategies. Besides being a PR expert, he is also a author and an entrepreneur.

As an author he has written a book about public relations called “For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results with Game-Changing Public Relations”. This is one of the bestselling books at

As an entrepreneur, he founded 5WPR, which is now a public relations firm head-quartered in New York, USA.

His company has taken PR initiatives for a huge range of clients that include McDonald’s, DS, Evian, XM Radio, VeriSing, The Loews Regency, Seagram's, Marriot Hotels, Pamela Anderson, Vail Resorts, Snoop Dogg, Anheuser-Busch, Cantor Fitzgerald, Barnes and Noble, Microsoft, Coca-Cola and countless others.

Friday, 17 May 2013

A brief look at the career journey of Ronn Torossian!

The popular American PR expert, entrepreneur and author Ronn Torossian, founded the leading PR firm, 5WPR in the year 2003. With his excellent supervision and leadership skills, Ronn got his firm ranked as the 26th largest PR firms in the United States in the year 2013.

Ronn was born in Brooklyn, New York. He did his schooling from Stuyvesant High School. He was selected the President of North American branch of Betar when he was studying at SUNY Albany.

After completing college, Ronn moved to Israel where he founded an organization called Yerushalayim Shelanu along with Knesset members and his fellow members of Betar. The organization was meant for Jewish settlement in Israel. Ronn came back to United States after one and a half year. In the year 1998, Ronn began his career in Public Relations, and all that happened after that is history.

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Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Mr. Ronn D. Torossian- The PR prodigy!

Ronn D. Torossian is the founder, president and CEO of New York City based PR Company “5W Public Relations”, which is the 23rd largest privately owned PR firm in the United States.

Graduate of Stuyvesant High School in New York City, Ronn joined Sunny Albany, also known as the University at Albany, State University of New York. After completing studies, he started his public relations career in the year 1998, working for the speaker of New York City Counsel, Peter Vallone, Sr.

In the year, 2002, he joined Christian Coalition of America as a media director. And a year later, in 2003, his dream of establishing his own PR firm came true when he founded his own public relations firm, 5WPR.

With his team of more than 90 employees, Ronn is helping his clients across the country by delivering seamless PR solutions.

Besides his PR interests, Mr. Torossian is the board member of many charities including RAJE (Russian American Jewish Experience), ZOA (Zionist Organization of America), The American Cancer Society, The Hebrew Academy of Nassau County (HANC), and many others.

Friday, 10 May 2013

With his effective PR strategies, Ronn Torossian can do wonders for your business!

Well known American public relations executive, author and entrepreneur Ronn Torossian is a popular for the kind of work he does. As the founder/CEO of 5WPR, one of the preeminent public relation firms in the United States, Ronn has overseen each and every move of this firm.

Born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1974, and raised in The Bronx, Ronn pursued his education from Stuyvesant High School in New York City and from The University at Albany, State University of New York.

In November 2011, his book, “For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results with Game-Changing Public Relations” was released, in which he has shown how effective and efficient PR could change a business’s destiny.

It is his exceptional knowledge of the field that has helped many businesses to make a fortune.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

“If done right, PR is the most cost-efficient way to sell your product”-Ronn Torossian

The CEO & Founder of 23rd largest independent public relations firm, Ronn David Torossian sharing some precious words of advice about public relations says, “Attention is the most valuable form of currency in PR and marketing. Getting the right attention must be done strategically and consistently.”

Born in Brooklyn, New York and raised in the Bronx, Ronn attained his early education from Stuyvesant High School in New York City. Late, he joined SUNNY Albany (officially known as The University at Albany, State University of New York) where he completed his under-graduation degree. Ronn made his active presence over there and became national president of the North American branch of Betar, a Revisionist Zionist youth movement.

Also passionate for writing, Ronn Torossian wrote a book on public relations under the title of, “For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results with Game-Changing Public Relations” available at bookstores nationwide.

About his business of public relations, Ronn shares his views with enthusiasm “I love the business of PR and the excitement of helping our clients to build their brands.”

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Ronn Torossian - An enthusiastic PR leader!

In this world of hype, enthusiasm, if used in a controlled manner, can be the biggest asset for a PR executive. By incorporating enthusiasm with creativity, a PR executive can achieve even the most unachievable feats.

Mr. Torossian is the living example of what has been aforementioned. As one of the most influential PR executives in the United States of America, Ronn has emerged as a crisis management specialist. For his PR management skills, Business Week stated him as the new face of PR.

As not only an exceptionally talented PR executive, but he also proved his mettle as an eminent leader. Ronn Torossian firm, 5WPR, founded in 2003, has emerged as one of the best PR agencies in the country.

Ronn has taken PR management to the next level, with highly effective strategies.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

PR has to be part of the innovation process -Ronn Torossian

Fundamentally, “public relations” is an art and science of building the strong relationships between an organization, or individual and its key audiences. To maintain a cordial relation and effective communication between the employees, people, investors, and the client organization, PR experts plays an integral role.

In these days of cut throat competition, PR professionals help in bringing a favorable image of a brand or organization in the minds of the targeted audiences, thus results in increasing sale and net profit.

Ronn Torossian, Founder & CEO of a preeminent public relations firm in the USA, 5WPR, defines public relations in his own ways, and works accordingly. Probably it is his out of the box thinking that made him what he is today.

“PR has to be part of the innovation process; from conception to execution, PR efforts can gauge public perceptions, reactions, and results.” These words are from the book, "For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results with Game-Changing Public Relations", written by Ronn Torossian.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Ronn Torossian-The Man Behind The Success Of 5WPR!

Born in 1974, Brooklyn, New York, Mr. Ronn Torossian is amongst some of the noticeable names in PR world.

Handling reputation management of people is not everyone’s cup of tea! But this what makes Ronn different from others. He is not just an expert to handle PR, but also one of the biggest players amongst other PR professionals. This is because of his unique style of approaching towards work that makes him stand-out amongst others.

And it was due to his unique approach that some of the famous corporations consulted Ronn Torossian for handling public relations for their firm. The list of those corporations include Coca-Cola, Microsoft, McDonald’s, Anheuser-Busch, Barnes & Noble, Whole Foods Market, Cantor Fitzgerald, XM Radio, Bad Boy Worldwide Entertainment, Marriott Hotels, the Government of Israel, and others.

In 1998 while during the trip to Israel, he stepped into the word of Public Relations, by working with Peter Vallone Sr. (Speaker of New York City Council at that time). Not only had this he also worked for Likud Party in Israel.

Later in 2002, he became the media director of Christian Coalition of America and in the upcoming year of 2003, he started his own venture known as 5WPR, which was inspired from the 5W’s who, what, when, where and why. It was due to Ronn Torossian leadership skills that made 5WPR one of the finest PR firms of New York City.

Since the year of 2003, Torossian and his team of PR professionals kept on working hard day and night. It was due to their combine efforts that lead to company success and was ranked as 24th largest PR firm in United States.

Besides winning accolades of the firm, Ronn himself was named as a semi-finalist for Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year; named to PR Week’s “40 under 40″ and Advertising Age’s “40 Under 40″ lists. Moreover, Ronn Torossian with his first book, “For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results with Game-Changing Public Relations,” he has also managed to win the accolades of people from all across the world.

Monday, 4 March 2013

What PR professionals can do for your business?

Today, one of the best ways to communicate with the targeted audience is ‘public relations’. It helps to bridge the gap between organizations and their potential customers. Although, one would consider it as merely an advertising campaign, but there's a lot more, which is done through PR.

However to handle it, PR professionals play a great role in it. They are the master minds behind the success of a company, who would consider media relation agencies, as an important part in building their brand name.

Basically, PR professionals represent the client's company or organization via different PR tools such as community relations, media relations, sponsorship, newsletters, business events, and more. However to carry these tools a series of steps are being taken up by the PR firm: finding facts, planning, communication and research evaluation.

So, if you are thinking, which PR professional to consult then you must undoubtedly contact Ronn Torossian! He is the Chief Executive Officer and founder of renowned public relations firm 5WPR.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Modern markets making use of PR professionals

Gone are the days when producer use to be the king. The modern day market understands that customer is the king. That is the reason all business entities, be it a production unit or service unit are striving to live up to customer’s expectations.

To ensure that customers are getting what they need, calls for a system that would maintain a flow of communication, which would answer customer’s queries and spread a positive world of mouth among target customers. Any misapprehension or wrong perception about the unit can be unhealthy for its growth.

This need has given rise to the profession of PR and Mr. Torossian is one such professional who has mastered this art. He understands people’s nerve and delivers every essential detail to them which is imperative for healthy relations with public. Join Facebook to connect with Ronn Torossian

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Your PR agent is the commander for your army

The PR is like a ball game, when you play it well you win, and when you don't, you are bound to lose. If you don't have the right people representing you in front of the media and building you as a brand name, you are bound to fall of the quick moving steps of success.

It's like a war field out there and your PR agent is like the commander for your army. If they falter, you are going to lose the war, and be captured by the enemy (be overpowered by your rivals). This is what makes it extremely essential for you to make a wise choice. Mr. Ronn Torossian is a fine example of an excellent PR agent who has worked to create history with his PR tactics. As well as he is author on Algemeiner ( .

Saturday, 16 February 2013

PR is not easy as it seems!

If you think that handling the public relations for a company or an individual is cake-walk, then you are definitely on the wrong track.

Considering the fact that competitors will leave ‘no stone unturned’ to cast a spot on your business reputation, you need to have professionals by your side. Public Relation is not just advertising your business amongst target audiences; rather it focuses on much wider aspects including managing your already established rapport, present your business in the best possible way and generate credibility for your work in the market.

However, all this cannot be handled by just  any other PR professional, you need to be with the best. Talking about the best in business, He is one name that comes in to picture all at once. Also regarded as the ‘Bad Boy of Buzz’ there are only a few that can match with the expertise Ronn brings, for managing the public relations’. 

Ronn Torossian author at The Algemeiner (

Monday, 11 February 2013

PR takes your business higher

Every business needs supportive steps to succeed and there is no denying the fact that public relations need to be dealt well with so that you don't face any problems in managing and presenting the business to the potential audiences and buyers.

This is what calls for the need of a good PR agent, who can literally sweep you off the obstacles to success. You need to understand that a representative is important for your success, while making sure that you work towards meeting the needs of your company.

While choosing a PR agent you need to make sure that they are well versed with the modern day needs and requirements of the industry. Mr. Ronn Torossian is a great example of hard work and determination put towards this field. He has gained success in the area due to his countless efforts. Read More

Friday, 8 February 2013

Ronn Torossian is one of the promising publicists in the USA

There are only few people who with their unique work make such a deep impact on the industry they belong to that their name becomes an example for others.

One such personality is Ronn Torossian, CEO and Founder of renowned public relations firm, who with his strong determination, sheer professionalism, and dedication to succeed set a real example for others in the same industry.

Under Torossian’s sensitive vision, his public relations firm 5WPR is counted in the one of the most trustworthy firms in the American market. This can be seen when O'Dwyer’s, a leading PR industry publication, announced 5WPR is the 23rd largest independent public relations firm the United States.

Apart from his services in public relations, Ronn is also an inspirational writer and wrote a book, “For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results with Game-Changing Public Relations”.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Finding a good PR company can take your enterprise places

In the turbulent times when you need to face the harsh questions and concerns of the media, only one person can be your shield. That person is your PR agent, and you need to choose one well, so that you can boost your public representation in the best possible manner.

You won't need to deal with the constant media glare and will be able to handle it even in the toughest of times.  They are that one person who can make or break the image of a company or a celebrity or a brand.  This makes it all the more essential for you to be careful while making this choice.

Mr. Ronn Torossian is a great example of excellent PR agents in the country. He has won many accolades due to his streamlined quality of work that has helped his clients rise up, even in the darkest of times and the worst situations.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Ronn Torossian- Revolutionist of the radical change in public relations!

Efforts of Mr. Ronn, the owner of 5WPR, can be seen from the fact that the company has got 6th, 4th, and 13thrank respectively in the practice of Beauty PR, Professional Services PR, and Food & Beverages PR.

In addition to his achievements, he made his company's name enlisted as 94th global PR agency in a Public Relation industry trade magazine.

For his outstanding work, Ronn was named in “40 under 40” list of Advertising Age and PR Week respectively in 2006, and in 2007.

Forward-looking author Mr. Torossian wrote a book under the title of “For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results with Game-Changing Public Relations”- which is available at bookstores nationwide.

In addition to this, Torossian is a regular commentator on most popular media channels CNN, Fox News, Entertainment Tonight. During his appearance on one of the most popular TV channel, CBS news, Torossian got the compliment, “Ronn Torossian knows spin”.